Template #68245
- type:
- Moto CMS 3 Templates
- author:
- MotoCMS
- downloads:
- 2
- sources available:
- Sources Not Included
- software required:
- Hosting Requirements:
PHP 5.4.04 or 5.5.09+; 5.6+
Zend Guard Loader
with MySQL database support
- regular price:
- CHF144
- unique price:
- CHF4500
Real Size Screenshot
![Real Size Screenshot](http://scr.template-help.com/68200/68245-rs.jpg)
Control Panel Demo:
Check how this Flash CMS template can be managed and customized via Moto CMS Control Panel.
Wide templates preview
Tablet Layout
![Tablet Layout](http://scr.template-help.com/68200/68245-tablet-responsive.jpg)
Smartphone Layout 1
![Smartphone Layout 1](http://scr.template-help.com/68200/68245-smart1-responsive.jpg)
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- related categories:
- Webdesign
- related keywords:
- agency creative design graphic web company art studio designer development services developer computer webdesign grid site websites create trends